Federal Directorate of Education FDE

Federal Directorate of Education is an administrative body of Ministry of Education which was established in 1967. The purpose of establishment of FDE was to enhance the quality of education in Islamabad Capital Territory. FDE provides training of in-service teachers while the body has also introduced IT education at different levels of education in order to cope with the modern standards. FDE organizes parent teacher meetings through Parent Teacher Association (PTA) which is helpful for both the parties and the students for the betterment of their education.
Federal Directorate of Education also provides free text books to the students which is helpful for progress of education. FDE appoints English teachers for the primary classes while it also spreads the education code in all the institutes of Federal Capital Islamabad. FDE also provides professional management to the schools and colleges from primary to secondary and higher secondary level and also to the post graduate institutes in Islamabad. In all these institutes, admissions start at a specific time for new academic year and the admission process completes in time.